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Leeton Mini Trots Presentation 2015/16


President Barry Pitt took care of the formalities and made a speech summarising the highlights of the year and thanking our wonderful sponsors whom we couldn’t continue without. Apologies were received from sponsors Brian and Jan Munro , and Marlene Johnson who unfortunately were all out of town on the weekend , and from Kelsey Deeves who had work commitments on the day.

LMTC decided this year to trial a new reward system and rather than the usual trophies/ dust collectors , presented each driver with a personalised shirt in team colours – this seemed to go over well with all! The shirts will look a treat at our next Club outing to Griffith’s Dalton Park next month.

Awards for the season were as follows…

Terry and Anne Bourke Memorial – Siarne Deeves

John and Elvie Oxley Chaff Award – Ryan Pitt

Most Improved Driver – Jed Driscoll

Judy Basham Memorial – Danika Stevens

Norm and Marlene Johnson Award – Nikkita Smith

Senior Driver of the Year – Dylan Smith

Leeton Veterinary Hospital Horse of the Year – Willie Wagtail

Retiring Driver – Dylan Smith

President Barry Pitt made a speech recognising the achievements of Dylan Smith during his driving career at LMTC and made a presentation on behalf of the Club , as Dylan has reached the age to retire from Mini Trotting. Dylan’s Pop, Ken Smith also had a gift for Dylan – a framed photo collage of Dylan’s Mini Trotting career which Dylan was very touched to receive. Rumour has it that Dylan plans to move onto the “big horses” at some stage , so all at LMTC wish him the best of luck for the future , and hope he will stay in touch with us as we follow his new venture.

One of the biggest awards at LMTC is the “Horse of the Year Award” ,generously sponsored each year by Brian Munro of Leeton Veterinary Hospital. The lucky recipient receives an embroidered trophy rug custom made for their pony. This year’s winner was Willie Wagtail , the big grey pony owned and driven by Siarne Deeves. It was especially exciting for Siarne as she has recently completed her Year 10 school Work Experience at the Veterinary Hospital.

The 2016 / 17 mini trotting season commenced for the Leeton Club at Leeton Show on 7th October , with two new drivers joining the ranks , and the possibility of another family commencing shortly. New members are always most welcome to our little Club.

Next outing for the Leeton contingent will be at Dalton Park , as part of the Griffith Carnival of Cups Meeting on Saturday 5th November , and all supporters are encouraged to attend.

Also of interest , NSW Mini Trots has recently launched a new website at, with lots of Mini Trotting news and information. This exciting development sees the Leeton Club with their own page outlining all our events, members and lots of photos from our outings. It’s certainly worth a look for anyone surfing the net!

Leeton Mini Trots - Presentation for  2015-2016 season.

2015-2016 Leeton Mini Trots Prizewinners

Leeton Mini Trots - 2015-2016 Prizewinners

Brian Munro Horse of the Year rug - Siarne collects on behalf of Willie Wagtail

Brian Munro Horse of the Year rug - Siarne collects on behalf of Willie Wagtail

Dylan Smith receiving his photo collage from Nana and Pop and sister Nikkita

Leeton Mini Trots - Dylan Smith receiving his photo collage from Nana, Pop, and sister Nikkita

Jed Driscoll receining his award - Most Improved

Leeton Mini Trots - Jed Driscoll receining his award - Most Improved

Kenny Smith Prsesnts grandson Dylan with a collage of his Mini trotting driving career

Leeton Mini Trots - Kenny Smith Prsesnts grandson Dylan with a collage of his Mini trotting driving career

Nicole collecting Danikas award

Leeton Mini Trots - Nicole collecting Danikas award

Nikkita Smith collects her award

Leeton Mini Trots - Nikkita Smith collects her award

Retiring Driver Dylan Smith

Leeton Mini Trots - Retiring Driver Dylan Smith

2016-2017 Committee Men and Women

Leeton MIni Trots Club

Barry Pitt (President , Handicapper), Nicole Taylor , Julie Deeves (Publicity Officer , Judge ) , Fay Pitt (Treasurer , Girl Friday), Greg Deeves (Vice President , Starter ) , Mandy Trewin (Secretary) , Ken Smith.

Absent : Kelsey Deeves - Publicity Assistant , Photographer , Official Runner

Leeton Mini Trots - 2016-2017 Committee Men and Women

Welcome, Shailla and Layla

Shailla. Leeton Mini Trots
Layla. Leeton Mini Trots

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