Leeton Mini Trotting Club Inc recently held its Annual General Meeting and voted in new Office Bearers for the 2017/18 Season. Along with the support of our Sponsors and the hard work of our small but dedicated Committee the Club could not exist.

Thank you to the following people who will carry the Club into the new year in Executive roles….
President – Barry Pitt Vice President – Greg Deeves Treasurer – Fay Pitt Secretary – Kelsey Deeves Publicity Officer – Julie Deeves First Aid – Mandy and Peter Trewin Judge – Julie Deeves Starter – Greg Deeves
Awards Presentation
To celebrate the successes of the 2016 / 2017 season , Leeton Mini Trotting Club enjoyed a luncheon at the Leeton and District Bowling Club recently. The children were treated to a tasty lunch and were invited to bring along their nearest and dearest to enjoy the celebrations on Sunday 21st October 2017.
LMTC happily welcomed three new families to our Club during the season , so were pleased to see an increase in numbers at our Presentation this year – the more the merrier!
President Barry Pitt commenced formalities by acknowledging the support of the Club’s sponsors , without whom our little Club would not be able to continue. It was a delight to have Mrs Marlene Johnson join us. Marlene has been and continues to be a loyal supporter and sponsor of Leeton Mini Trotters.
Trophies were awarded in multiple categories, acknowledging our young drivers ‘ abilities , development and achievements throughout the previous year of racing.
Mandy Trewin , outgoing Secretary was given the honour of presenting the trophies while President Barry read the citation for each award. Winners for 2016 / 17 awards were….
Most Consistent Pony – Little Midget – Shaiila Ogilvie Ongoing Dedication and Commitment – Siarne Deeves Senior Driver of the Year – Ryan Pitt Up and Coming Driver – Annie Painting Most Improved Pony and Driver – Nanna Smoke and Jed Driscoll Future Driver – Betty Smith Award – Lilah Trewin Most Improved Driver – Connor Ward Horsemanship Award – Lilly Painting Junior Driver of the Year – Layla Forrest Best First Year Driver – Lauren Young Terry and Annie Bourke Memorial – Nikkita Smith Most Improved Pony – Manderlay Rose – Ryan Ward Leeton Veterinary Hospital Mini Trotter of the Year – My Little Rocket – Nikkita Smith
The final trophy to be presented is always the much sought after “Drivers’ Driver” , which is voted upon by all the children in attendance who have also been registered Leeton Mini Trotting Club drivers for the year. The aim of the award is to commend the Driver who is deemed as being willing and able to offer advice and assistance to their peers as required , and is always ready and willing to lend a hand , whether in the yard , on the ground or on the track throughout the season.
The 2016 / 17 recipient of the NR and MA Johnson Drivers’ Driver Award was a very humble and excited Siarne Deeves. Siarne was presented with her trophy by Mrs Johnson , on behalf of herself and her late husband Norm ,who was always a very strong supporter of Mini Trotting in Leeton.
Another special presentation was made to Ryan Pitt , who has officially retired from Mini trotting. LMTC wish Ryan all the best , and hope that he will be able to find the balance between working life and Harness Racing in the future, and get back on the track with the “big horses”!!
Leeton Mini Trotters’ new season officially commenced at the Leeton Show on Friday the 13th October and the next outing for 2017/18 will be as guests of Griffith Harness Racing Club on November 11th for their Carnival of Cups meeting at Dalton Park.
LMTC will be holding several Fun Days prior to the next Harness Racing Meeting at Lin Gordon Paceway on Boxing Night , Tuesday 26th December 2017 , and then three Meetings in January 2018.
Anyone who may be interested in finding out more about Mini trotting is encouraged to contact Barry Pitt , who will gladly answer your queries.