On 29th October NSW mini trots held three races one for each division at Menangle Park at the Fishers Ghost meeting.

The race meeting brought invited ponies and drivers from near and far, the races were a great success with everyone enjoying their day. The midgets division was taken out by the Shoalhaven midget Honeycombe steered to success by Erin Evans . Emme Formosa drove Ultimate Jazz to victory in the sheltlands division and young Harry McNamara took out the ponies on Cariadus Material Girl. Well done to all drivers and ponies.
Midgets Division 1st - Honeycombe Erin Evans 2nd - Snowgood Tanner Brown 3rd - Thunderstruck Corey Shadlow
Shetlands Division
1st - ultimate Jazz Emme Formosa 2nd - SilverDreams Hirra Lightfoot 3rd - Sweet As Honey Mia Haslam
Pony Division
1st - Cariadus Material Girl Harry McNamara 2nd - Cariadus Storm Clare Carroll 3rd- Gee Eye Chanel Allwright